Friday, September 6, 2013

Running, Running, Running- A Mommy Learning Moment

   For the past two weeks, our Bible time has included the topic of running.  The first week, although slightly obscurely, was via the use of an ostrich.  We talked about how sometimes an ostrich will lay down and pretend to be a pile of dirt, or runs away, when confronted by a predator.  When, in reality, it's kick could kill a lion!  This past week, we read about Jonah.  Oh, how he thought he could run from God!  And then to realize, in the midst of a raging storm, in the belly of a great fish, or in the sweltering heat of the sun, God was there all the time.

   We all have curve balls that life throws at us.  Some trivial, and some life changing.  In that moment, where do you find yourself?  Do you lay down and hide?  Pretend it's not happening?  Or, do you use the body our all-knowing God designed specifically for us? To get up and fight...and run back to His loving, outstretched, and merciful arms!  Our rightful, and undeserved, place. 

   What a reminder this is for me.  God always knows what to "feed" me, at just the right time.  In my moment of weakness, I need to choose to trust Him and His sovereignty over all.  When He asks me to go to a place I couldn't quite possibly think of going to...He will be there.   When all I can see is the storm raging, and my only choice is to dive in...He will be there.  When I am faced with a "lion"...He will be there.  When I am in the lowest of lows and I think I am about to be overcome...yes, just in His perfect timing, He will be there. 

          What a refreshing promise that truly is for such an unworthy soul as I!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, isn't homeschool just wonderful, when mum is learning just as much, if not more than her children? Do we not have the best job in the world?
