Sunday, August 4, 2013

Coming soon to a blog near you...

     Hello all of you (maybe-still) faithful followers.  I'm sure you fell over backward when you saw this post up!  Especially since we have been MIA for a little over 3 months.  Rest assured, we are still around.  Where have we been?  You might ask, or maybe you wouldn't!  Things just got too crazy and overwhelming that we needed a teeny tiny, OK, who am I kidding...a longgggg break.  We have done a few things here and there this summer, but expect to be starting school full force in two weeks.
     We are excited to be continuing the Math-U-See, Hooked on Phonics, Handwriting Without Tears, Bible, & Five in a Row curriculum, as well as adding a few new subjects to our lineup.  Thanks for sticking around.  Let the fun begin!!