Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 6-7 - We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Did you think we had disappeared off the face of the earth?  Nope, just went camping last week so we had an extra fun time rowing We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen!  This book is chock-full of onomatopoeia's that will be floating through your head all day long.  Check out the author reading the book on YouTube- we listened several times throughout the weeks and played along!  After reading the story a few times, we sequenced the locations in the story (grass, river, mud, forest, snowstorm and finally...the cave!).

 I made a sensory tub with all the locations so the boys could act out the story:

 We talked about different species of bears and read several great bear books with pictures of them.  We went on two different bear hunts this week.  The first bear hunt involved reading clues on bear paws hidden throughout the house to locate a yummy snack (chocolate teddy grahams)!  I used some paw print cards that came from this lapbook printable.  I made up clues that would be easy enough for them to figure out and voila!  The hunt was on...

 Our second bear hunt we took in the woods when we went camping.  We recited the book as we were walking on the trails.  Thankfully, it was an unsuccessful bear hunt! 

Other than a bird and squirrel, the only other animal we saw!

We found deer tracks and these.  The boys thought it was a bear track, but it was most definitely not!  Then, they claimed a rabbit track.  I think it could have been a coyote, what do you think?  I heard them howling one night.
Finally, we wrapped up this great story with some activities from this lapbook.  They drew a picture of our family, thought about what kind of hunt they would like to go on and colored bear patterns:

Won't Gramps be proud!!  C is ready to go on a deer hunt!

Some awesome go along books that we read are:

Great resources for inspiration:  Delightful Learning & Totally Tots.


Our story this week was of John's birth.  We focused on trusting God (Zacharias did not) and how he knows everything about us.  Our memory verses were Psalm 139:14a and ...  Psalm 56:3...

When I am afraid, I will trust in You.  Psalm 56:3  A great tie in to our Bear Hunt adventure as well!

We started out by talking about all of our names and how they are very special to God.  Also, how God knows everything about us, even the number of hairs on our head.  This, of course, was followed by many guesses as to how many hairs they had...7, 23... I think they were a little off.
Our board for the week.  They loved finding their name and tracing it to their picture.

They memorized this story very quickly and recognized that it was John the Baptist.  When we got to the actual birth of John, we talked about how special he was to God.  We had our own announcement and read You Are Special by Max Lucado (this book actually made me cry, such a good reminder that God loves us how we are).

 Then, we talked about how John grew up to be a preacher.  The boys got to dress up in different occupations:
Baseball player

Construction Worker and angry Race Car Driver

 We finished the week by making a film strip of the story.


2 pretty easy weeks with math.  They worked on recognizing different patterned circles and counting them.  As well as review of either counting blocks and writing the answer OR reading the number and shading in the appropriate amount of units.  Meet Math-U-See Monster 1 & 2:


  We reviewed all of the frog jump Capital's F, E, D, P, B, R, N & M.  We also made H & K.


So, we've officially done -at, -an, -ap, -ag, -ad, -ig, -id and -it words.  You can see each of their progress below:



See ya next week!

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