Friday, September 7, 2012

Week 2 - Yellow Ball

We had another awesome week here at home!  For our second row, we read Yellow Ball by Molly Bang.  Who knew there was so much you could do with a book with only 29 words?  The boys could recite it back to me after the first couple of days.  We started off the week by beginning our Yellow book lapbook.  C. decided to color the yam orange and add brown spots to make it look like a "real potato".  B. said "God made the grass grow" for the yak.  I love it!

 Next Mommy surprised them with...You've got it!  A new yellow ball.

We used our new ball to talk about the ball in the story.  In several pictures it shows the ball from different distances that makes the ball appear larger/smaller.  So, I told the boys to get their Vtech Camera to take some pictures of the ball from different distances to show them that the ball doesn't change but it just looks different depending on how far away they are from it.  Below are their pictures:

Next we made our own storm in a bottle with a yellow ball.  I have to admit, this didn't turn out as great as I had hoped.  But, the boys have had fun shaking it up during the week.

On another day, we used chalks to draw our own Yellow Ball book cover (B. left, C. right):

and also did a yellow-ball lacing project to work on fine motor skills:

We had a scavenger hunt at the grocery to find something like a yellow ball.  They found the lemons!
Lemon victory fist pump?
 We used our lemons to make some super yummy lemonade.  They were great helpers!

We finished up the week by talking about the reflection of the ball on the 
water and read I See Myself by Vicki Cobb .  We also talked about storms and read Clifford and the Big Storm by Norman Bridwell.


This week we finished Creation days 4-7.
Our memory verse's this week were Psalm 148:2 and ...Genesis 2:1...

Day 4:  God made the Sun, Moon, stars and even Mars  Today we looked at a book on the universe and all the different planets.
Day 5:  God made fish, birds that fly and whales that splish!  We worked on our cutting skills today by cutting out different animals and pasting them on appropriate scenery.  
We also took a special field trip to look at different kinds of fish/birds.  Can you guess where?


 The boys were introduced to a very special guest today named, "Missions Mike."  He'll be used throughout the curriculum to talk about missions work/missionaries.  He left the day by letting us know he would write us while visiting missionaries in South Africa.  I thought the boys wouldn't really buy into him since he is just a face on a stick, but they have asked about him all week.

Day 6:  God made man, beasts that leaped, crept and ran!  We talked about how we are made in God's image and they colored a picture to look like themselves.  We also had a lot of fun today and yesterday playing a guessing game called I'm thinking of an animal God made on Day 5 or Day 6.
B.- he gave himself "rooster hair"


Day 7:  God was pleased, then he rested.  Today we talked about Day 7 and reviewed all of the other days of creation.  We also added to our creation station.

       Adding Day 4 Sun, Moon & Stars:

      Adding Day 5 birds & fish:

      For Day 6/7, they climbed in with all their stuffed animals and pretended the animals were taking a nap.


This week was focused on writing/tracing numerals and reviewing number recognition 0-9.  They seem to be doing great with it so far and B. even told me that it was his favorite thing of the day on Wednesday.
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This week we were still working on making sure we recognize all the letters, lower and upper case, as well as their sounds.  Next week we'll be starting in chapter 1 and will hopefully have read our first book!


We started with the first two "frog-jump" capitals; E & F.  We used the wet, dry, try technique:


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